Overview of Unreported Revenue in the US Short Term Rental Market

When Airbnb launched in 2008, it kickstarted the popularization of the short term rental (STR) market by providing a platform that allowed hosts to engage directly with guests who required short-term lodging. This report assesses the probable size of unreported revenue within the US STR market, the potential for tax revenue that could be collected, and suggestions for tax authorities on how to achieve this.

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Overview of Unreported Revenue in the US Short Term Rental Market

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When Airbnb launched in 2008, it kickstarted the popularization of the short term rental (STR) market by providing a platform that allowed hosts to engage directly with guests who required short-term lodging. This report assesses the probable size of unreported revenue within the US STR market, the potential for tax revenue that could be collected, and suggestions for tax authorities on how to achieve this.