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IVIX: The scalable tax compliance solution

Poring through city hall records. Spending hours on manual online research. Chasing down elusive tips. Tax audits have been complex, time-consuming, and unscalable for decades.

With IVIX technology, you can allocate your resources to a list of accurate, high-priority leads and support each case from start to finish — with full access to all necessary underlying data.

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99 %
Accuracy in matching IVIX leads to taxpayer identification numbers (TIN)
97 %
Accuracy in correctly identifying cases of tax noncompliance
$ 1B+
Secured in tax revenue from previously unidentified business activity

IVIX solutions

Target the short-term rental market

From Airbnb to, the popularity of short-term rental and sharing platforms is on the rise.

Demystify anonymous STR profiles. Accurately match online rental listings with publicly available business activity data to determine a host’s tax identification number and revenue.

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Undercover crypto noncompliance

Bitcoin and the blockchain give taxable assets a new place to hide.

Harness data from NFT platforms, blockchain transactions, metaverses, and related data points with IVIX. Rely on our platform’s data enrichment capabilities to gain full visibility into TINs and revenue related to NFTs and the metaverse.

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See unreported revenue from eCommerce activity

Business has gone digital. Some eCommerce brands owe millions of dollars in unpaid taxes, while others are not collecting sales tax.

With IVIX, you can bring together data from eCommerce platforms and marketing channels to uncover accurate information on tax paid vs. tax owed.

Detect tax noncompliance among cash businesses

Many cash businesses fail to comply with the tax code. Use IVIX to leverage publicly available business activity data, quickly identifying tax identification numbers and assessing revenue for noncompliant businesses.

  • Movers
  • Private trainers
  • Contractors
  • Tourism industry
  • Weddings & events
  • And more

Gain full visibility into offshore income

Government information on financial institutions’ foreign accounts is often incomplete and sometimes purposefully misleading on the taxpayer side, making it difficult to connect with taxpayer data.

With IVIX, you can match partial information from the FATCA and CRS with government data. Use this data to identify the tax identification number associated with a foreign bank account.

Get a holistic view of multijurisdictional
corporate activity

From offshore locations to employees working in different tax jurisdictions, it’s not always easy to gain visibility into a company’s business practices.

Go beyond solutions that aggregate data from existing third-party databases. Get a full overview of a company and its activities.

  • Transfer pricing
  • Offshoring
  • Permanent establishment
  • Nexus
  • Business restructuring

See the real tax gap for the cannabis industry

Noncompliance rates for sales and use taxes in the cannabis industry remain high.

Leverage IVIX algorithms to gather publicly available business activity data, enabling you to uncover TINs and documented business activity for tax-liable cannabis businesses in your jurisdiction.

Get customizable tax compliance
solutions to match your needs